To maintain a healthy body an individual should follow a pattern of balanced diet. The food taken should comprise of all the six tastes or rasas in adequate amounts. The food should not only have a nourishing effect but also maintain equilibrium.

Ayurvedic Conception of Ideal Health

According to Ayurveda, a healthy person is one in whom there is a balance and harmony of doshas, agni and dhatus. Continue reading “AYURVEDA & DIET”


White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?

The Healthier alternatives: Brown, Red and Black

White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?

Would you not like some rice along with chicken curry? Instead you settle for tawa rotis or probably try to pacify your taste buds with just a few spoons of the humble staple. Why has eating rice been such a problem for those who are trying to lose weight or are on a strict calorie restricting diet? Putting it across, in straight and much simpler words – rice is not an enemy of the weight related goals that you are trying to achieve – inadequate knowledge about this food item is. Continue reading “HEALTHIEST RICE”