Top Health Benefits of Curd (Yogurt)

The hot season is here and so is the urge to consume foods that cool down your system. Curd, evidently, stands on top of the list. And why not. Curd is an excellent source of good bacteria and aids digestion. It is good for your teeth and bones. But as with most of the foods, there are some rules that you need to follow for consuming curd. One of the most commonly heard rules is to avoid eating it at night.

  1. If one has sexual inadequacy or feeling the condition like sexually impotency , curd will give an added zeal and enthusiasm. Feeling such sexual problems, one has to take curd along with sugar just before meals. It strengthens the body by increasing the body fats and acting as an aphrodisiac. Curd Recipes like Beetroot and Pomegranate Raita, Cucumber Raita  and Bottle Gourd Raita have many health benefits .
  2. Persons who wants to gain weight, curd is an effective solution. Curd should be taken along with jaggery. Curd should be discouraged by Obesity patients or obese people as it acts like as an stimulant to add to weight.
  3. Curd is an effective remedy for person suffering from Piles and Diarrhoea. In these case, one should take curd with ginger and rice.
  4. Curd enhances digestion and also strengthens the digestive system. Being acidic in nature, it enhances salivation which ultimately helps in digestion.
  5. Yogurt keeps you away from bacterial oral problems. Tartar and Bacteria which are the reasons for many oral diseases are prevented by Curd.
  6. Curd is thrust quencher and also reduces the burning sensation when taken with sugar.
  7. Curd along with little quantity of sugar and salt acts like as an appetizer.

Continue reading “Top Health Benefits of Curd (Yogurt)”

Weight Gain & Stress

Can Stress Cause Weight Gain?

Stress could be one of the culprits. It plays a role in weight gain. While it can make you have less of an appetite at first, long-term “chronic” stress actually boosts your hunger.


Cortisol and Comfort Foods. Levels of “the stress hormone,” cortisol, rise during tension-filled times. This can turn your overeating into a habit. Because increased levels of the hormone also help cause higher insulin levels, your blood sugar drops and you crave sugary, fatty foods. Continue reading “Weight Gain & Stress”


To maintain a healthy body an individual should follow a pattern of balanced diet. The food taken should comprise of all the six tastes or rasas in adequate amounts. The food should not only have a nourishing effect but also maintain equilibrium.

Ayurvedic Conception of Ideal Health

According to Ayurveda, a healthy person is one in whom there is a balance and harmony of doshas, agni and dhatus. Continue reading “AYURVEDA & DIET”


Egg whites contain much of the beneficial nutrients in an egg, making them a low-calorie, healthy option when losing weight. If you are both dieting and monitoring how much cholesterol you eat each day, choosing egg whites over an entire boiled, scrambled or fried egg can help you lose weight and control your cholesterol intake.


What foods can help me control my cholesterol levels and maintain heart health?

 Just a few simple tweaks to your daily diet can help you get your cholesterol levels under control:

1. Olive oil: Switch to olive oil for cooking. Research has shown that the Mediterranean people consume olive oil and have very low incidence of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Olive oil contains a mix of various anti-oxidants which lower your bad cholesterol (LDL). Use it for your tadka or add it as a dressing to salads. Extra virgin olive oils are even more beneficial as they are less-processed and retain more anti-oxidants than the other varieties. Continue reading “What foods can help me control my cholesterol levels and maintain heart health?”

Benefits of a high-fiber diet

A high-fiber diet has many benefits, which include:

  • Normalizes bowel movements. Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky stool is easier to pass, decreasing your chance of constipation. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber may also help to solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool. Continue reading “Benefits of a high-fiber diet”